Knowledge Management

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Every organization has a pool of knowledge in its resources, systems, and processes. However, the challenge often lies in identifying tacit knowledge and converting it to explicit knowledge to make it available to the relevant audiences. Our Knowledge Management framework is equipped with the right tools to help an enterprise capture tacit knowledge, and preserve and disseminate it to suitable targets. We adopt a systematic approach to ensure proper flow of knowledge and information across all channels of an organization.

Types of Knowledge in an Organization

  • Factual Knowledge: This is a directly observable and verifiable knowledge that deals with data and measurements.
  • Conceptual Knowledge: This deals with concepts, perspectives, and systems.
  • Methodological Knowledge: This deals with the strategies, reasoning and decision making methods.
  • Expectational Knowledge: This deals with judgments, hypothesis, and expectations held by the sources of knowledge.

What does Belmont Tech do?

  • Identify tacit knowledge pools within the organization
  • Harness knowledge from domain experts and other highly skilled resources spanning all hierarchies
  • Channelize it to the right sources and at the right time
  • Ensure knowledge sharing and constant learning
  • Devise strategies for Change Management
  • Define KPIs and Effectiveness Measures

Benefits to Government and other allied Organizations

  • Enhances the ability of organizations to work out problems more effectively
  • Improves their ability to adapt and evolve in accordance with the changing business requirements
  • Creates preparedness to handle attrition and dynamic market changes
  • Aids in the conception of new ideas and innovations in products, services and solutions across the organization

Working of the Knowledge Management Implementation

The Knowledge Management Implementation starts with Information Mapping which involves identification of knowledge within an organization. It is then followed by categorization and Information Storing wherein digitally stored information in databases, data warehouses and information centers are identified. Information Retrieval is the final stage which involves information storing and retrieval through information retrieval systems.

Get in touch with Belmont Technologies today!
